1. Enter the information to complete your stub as you did initially  

2. Double check your order for accuracy, ensuring that your dates and spelling of words are correct. 

3.Proceed to the checkout page

4.Enter your email address

5. Click “Place order” 

6. Click “Complete Order”. Allow the payment box to open and allow it to remain open for 60 seconds. 

7. Close the payment box. It is important to allow the payment box to both open and stay open for at least 60 seconds or the new order will not be transmitted to our editing team. 

Do Not Repurchase

7.Notify us that you have completed these steps and the email address you used. 

The stubs are manually sent by our review team. If you don't notify us, they won't know to review your corrected order. 

This is a complementary correction. After we review the stub to ensure it matches the original order we will create and deliver your new stub via email. We try very hard to send corrected stubs as quickly as possible however we do ask that you allow us sufficient time to deliver them. As always we appreciate your business!